Dee Jay Tests 1 : Upstairs/Downstairs
First in a series of Dee Jay Tests where BTTT Engineers are separately stationed in Resonance Studio 1 and Studio 2 on the ground floor and the first floor of the Resonancefm building respectively, both Studios simultaneously connected to the live stream and able to monitor both themselves and the other.
For this session, BTTT Engineers, Nick Wilsdon and Howard Jacques created a spontaneous, vertical and horizontal mix from commercial and private recordings and previous Bermuda Triangle broadcasts.
First in a series of Dee Jay Tests where BTTT Engineers are separately stationed in Resonance Studio 1 and Studio 2 on the ground floor and the first floor of the Resonancefm building respectively, both Studios simultaneously connected to the live stream and able to monitor both themselves and the other.
For this session, BTTT Engineers, Nick Wilsdon and Howard Jacques created a spontaneous, vertical and horizontal mix from commercial and private recordings and previous Bermuda Triangle broadcasts.